Signs You May Have Low Stomach Acid
Heartburn and upset stomach are typically attributed to sky rocketing levels of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid or HCL for short). Contrary to popular belief, many digestive ailments are actually the result of low stomach acid.

Rest and Digest: Ways to Increase Parasympathetic Tone
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the autonomic nervous system, which controls unconscious body functions (breathing and digestion) as well as every organ in our bodies.

Collagen 101
Collagen has taken the health world by storm, touting benefits such as glowing skin, improved sleep, accelerated healing, increased athletic performance, and flexible joints, among others. While these claims might sound too good to be true, collagen does have some remarkable health benefits that may surprise you.

Glutathione: Your Master Antioxidant
Glutathione is a powerful endogenous antioxidant that the body produces from the amino acids L-cysteine, glycine, and L-glutamic acid. It neutralizes free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, regulates the nitric oxide cycle (important for control of blood pressure and inflammation), helps the liver process and eliminate toxins, and plays a role in DNA synthesis. Often referred to as “the master antioxidant”, it’s found abundantly in nearly every cell in your body and plays a critical role in health and longevity.

Mitochondria and Recovering From Illness
Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms can last weeks or months for some patients. Often termed "long haulers", these patients have recovered from the worst impacts of COVID-19 and have since tested negative. Yet, they are still experiencing symptoms.

Upgrade Your Sleep
Quality sleep is a non-negotiable for good health. Insufficient sleep is a significant stressor on the body and has repeatedly been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, impaired cognitive function, and cancer, among other health issues. If your sleep is poor, your health will suffer, regardless of favorable nutrition and exercise habits.

Migraine Causes and Cures
Migraines are a bummer, to say the least. They affect millions of people and are responsible for billions of dollars in healthcare costs. Conventional treatment for frequent migraines typically includes trying out a prescription or two and, for women, may include birth control for hormone regulation. However, a more effective strategy would be to look into what’s actually causing the migraines.

Supporting Your Body’s Detox Capabilities
When we come into contact with toxins or compounds that pose a threat to our health, we need to remove them or render them ineffective in order to maintain a state of homeostasis. Needless to say, our bodies come equipped with their own detoxification capabilities—no magic cleanse required.

A Cure for Muscle Cramps? It’s Not What You Think
Whether you’re awakened in the middle of the night or stopped dead in your tracks by a sudden charley horse, you know that muscle cramps can cause some pretty intense pain. A muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles that has been known to be caused by overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain, or simply staying in the same position for a prolonged period.

Superfood Spotlight: Holiday Edition
The holiday season tends to bring about a trifecta of high stress, high sugar, and high fat comfort foods, leading to the inevitable result of energy crashes, potential illness, and added stress to kick off the new year. Here are our favorite holiday foods that pack a nutritional punch to help make your holidays just a little bit healthier.

Holiday Sugar Blues
‘Tis the season for cookies, cakes, and pies. The occasional indulgence isn’t *generally speaking* an issue, but make it a chronic endeavor and we have a problem. Why avoid sugar? Despite its popularity and widespread presence in our food supply, sugar offers a slew of gifts (not the good kind) that just keep on giving.

Got Bloat? Try This!
Victim of bloating shortly after eating? You are not alone. About 1 in 5 adults report regular bloating, which can be triggered by certain foods or drinks among other things. However, there are some tips that can help you de-bloat and avoid that post-meal discomfort.

Just 11 Minutes of Your Time…
…is all it takes to combat the effects of sitting. We’ve known for a while that being sedentary increases the risk of disease and early death, but unfortunately sitting for prolonged periods of time is particularly common this year. With COVID restrictions and the chilly months upon us, the couch has become our best friend.

Natural Ways to Tackle IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine and can cause cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. The wide range of symptoms and poorly defined etiology make IBS an especially difficult mess to get a grip on. Standard treatment is based on symptom management with drugs that mainly target intestinal motility and pain relief. Sadly, these treatments are often ineffective, with high rates of patient dissatisfaction that leave many to seek alternative therapies.

Holiday Survival Guide
‘Tis the season for momentary lapse(s) of reason, specifically when it comes to tasty treats. We know the significant effects of our food choices on our overall health and wellbeing, but there’s something to be said for indulging on special occasions, particularly when holiday cheer is in the air and family traditions tend to revolve around food. Deprivation is rarely the answer, nor is guilt when you do decide to splurge. It’s best to focus efforts on minimizing the damage of the inevitable overeating and blood sugar spikes that the holidays are notorious for provoking.

Winter Is Coming, Is Your Immune System Ready?
With all eyes and attention on COVID, we should keep in mind that we’re still susceptible to the common cold & flu, and that season is, sadly, upon us. Anything you can do to support your immune system’s capacity to fight off pesky winter bugs (and COVID) should definitely be a priority. There are certain actions you can take to strengthen your immune defenses to decrease the odds that you’ll get sick and help reduce the intensity and minimize the duration of any cold or flu you may combat.

Chew On This, Mindfully.
I prefer the python method of eating, barely chewing and swallowing my food whole like a ravenous creature that hasn’t eaten for days. But did you know that the speed at which we eat food has an effect on our physiology and function? There are many reasons to eat slowly, including improved digestion, increased satiety, reduced overeating, and subsequent weight loss.

2020: The Year of COVID and HPA Axis Dysfunction (aka STRESS)
The year is 2020 and I hope you’ve had your stress management techniques on point. If you’ve been coasting through this year, unfazed, consider yourself lucky (or in a solid state of denial).
People tend to downplay the influence of the mind over the body, but a continually increasing amount of research confirms that consistently high levels of stress over a prolonged period can dramatically change physical function and impact nearly every organ system. Eight months into a pandemic, juxtaposed with a discordant election and racial turmoil, those alterations in function are manifesting into a variety of ugly symptoms.

Superfood Spotlight: Pumpkin
Do you know all of the wide-ranging health benefits of this ghoulish gourd? Pumpkin flesh is packed with fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and tryptophan, and pumpkin seeds exhibit greater health benefits due to their nutrient density. They are comprised of healthy fats, protein, and are a good source of antioxidants, zinc, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Breathing: You’re doing it wrong.
Breathing is a vital function for our health and wellbeing. It is a task so innate that we give it no thought. However, over time it seems we have forgotten how to breathe correctly, or at least use our breath to its fullest potential.